Purpose: This is a high-level document about Software Testing Types to achieve testing objectives of a project.

Test Scope: As part of each iteration or sprint, it is expected that the following types of testing may be required to fulfil the acceptance criteria for requirements and/or user needs.

Test Types: 

1.Unit testing:

Unit tests are written by the development team to verify that a relatively small piece of code is doing what it is intended to do using.

2.Integration testing:

Integration tests Integration of the different components will be tested by the development team using postman manually. 

3.Acceptance Testing:

Acceptance tests are written by the automation tester in the choice of software tools like cucumber/specflow/behave that supports behavior-driven development (BDD) in the language as per the project requirement for example java/c sharp/python with Selenium in page object model design pattern.

4.Exploratory Testing: 

Exploratory tests is carried out by the tester based on the perceived level of risk that needs mitigating. We can consider following steps.

Is the functionality consistent across the service? Does it exhibit correct behaviour at boundary values? Negative tests. Do Incorrect user actions such as entering information in the wrong format produce appropriate warnings and error messages. Does the content make sense and avoid any obvious errors?

5.Manual testing:

Manual testing is carried out by the tester where automation testing is not possible and should document the steps carried out either in a shared documentary repository like confluence, share point.